
Monsters and Ladybugs - Ch 23

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Monsters and Ladybugs
By Kitteh and Neofox
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence and intense smooching
Disclaimer: Smeets will eat our souls if we dare claim Invader Zim.  So yeah, Jhonen can keep his smeets of DOOM!  We just want to borrow Dwicky and Dib for a fic, so calm yourselves.
Summary: DADR. Three years later Dwicky comes back to fix what he messed up. But the little boy he left behind is no longer the same energetic soul from before and now may just be too broken to reach.
Beta: moon-glaive

Chapter 23

On the counter in the kitchen sat a familiar ladybug plush. It's beady eyes watched as smoke poured from a pan on top of the stove. A harsh cough soon followed as a hand tried to wave away the acrid clouds. As soon as the air was clear enough and the smoke alarm was no longer in danger of sounding, a disappointed whine filled the room.

"That's five pancakes burnt." Dib finally voiced. His eyes looked at the blackened mess in the pan and his shoulders slumped. "I used to to fix these all the time." The pout on his face grew. "Stupid crazy house." He blew at the limp piece of hair that hung over his face; it was still damp from showering. "I think I ruined the pan."

A muffled groan answered from the kitchen table, low and agonized. Dwicky kept his face down. Slumped against it was a bag of frozen corn resting atop his head. He had showered, dressed, and then planted himself there; he hadn't moved since. The man hadn't bothered to dry, or comb his hair, and a small puddle of water was starting to form on the table. Dwicky didn't care since the water made the coldness in the pack that much more soothing: an icy numbness on his throbbing head. Even after a few painkillers, a hang over was definitely a beast that would not easily be taken down.

So of course Dwicky let the institutionalized boy who hadn't been near a stove for three years make breakfast. It was the sane thing to do.

Dwicky raised a few fingers. "S'okay. I'll eat it." he spoke weakly into the table; though whether he was talking about the pan or the pancakes was hard to tell. He was a little slow on the uptake at the moment.

Dib looked up from his place at the stove and over to the table with some concern. He was about to open his mouth to respond. Just as quickly, he closed it and looked back down to what lay inside the pan. After a few seconds, he shrugged his shoulders and picked a nearby plate up and placed the burnt mess on it. He kept his eyes on the pancakes for a few more moments and finally gave in, picking up the bottle of syrup he had found. He dumped a bit on them before he walked over to the table to place the plate in front of Dwicky. Sitting across from the man, he pointed out, "Your corn is melting."

"Mmm.. I like corn," Dwicky randomly spoke to himself. A waves of malcontent churned his stomach to tell him otherwise. As the nausea hit him, he was quite happy he was already collapsed across the table. "Ugh.. no, no I don't. Corn is the enemy." He went even more slack. He heard the plate as it was set in front of him, but that meant movement, and movement meant giving the sickness he felt the satisfaction of, well, being felt. The man's hand dragged itself across the table to find the fork, but it bumped into the syrup. The blockade proved to be too much, so he gave up on the mission with a defeated sound.

Dib gave a sympathetic smile at Dwicky's troubles. He decided to help the other and reached out to move the syrup aside. After that, he picked the fork up and placed it in Dwicky's hand, clasping the man's hand around it to give him a better grip on it. He kept it like that for a few seconds until he was sure it was safe to let go, and settled back into his seat. "You need to try to eat something." He glanced down at the plate. " horrible as it may be."

Dwicky gave a muffled moan. Obviously the idea of eating wasn't the most appealing of things to do at the moment. He waved the fork around slightly in his hand. "Ffffork. Nyum nyum nyum, num. Delicious, Dib." Okay, so those sound affects weren't fooling anyone.

Dib narrowed his eyes a bit, but not out of annoyance. He really couldn't help the slight smirk that tugged at his lips as he leaned forward to snatch the fork back. "You're so charming." He twirled the utensil in his hand. Just as he was about to open his mouth again, he was startled by a loud banging at the door. He jerked upright in his seat.

Dwicky cringed, clamping down the bag of frozen corn on his head; it sounded like a bomb had gone off outside the door. After a second, he slowly sat up, bag still on his head as he looked over at the door with contempt. "Do they have to knock so loud." he hissed in whisper. Dragging the bag off his head he set it on the table and pushed himself to stand with a grunt. ".. Its their fault if I puke on their shirt." He hobbled over through the kitchen to the door. Rubbing his face, then running it through his wet, matted hair, Dwicky looked through the peep hole as he leaned heavily on the door.

On the other side of the door stood the slightly distorted image of Professor Membrane. He was dressed in his usual lab coat and thick goggles that were currently narrowed on the door in front of him. One of his hands tapped away at his arm until it finally reached up to knock more forcefully upon the door.

Dwicky went rigid, completely rigid, as all the colour drained from his face and skin. He couldn't move for a second, but when he did, it was sporadic. He nearly tripped as he took a few steps to flail at Dib. "It's your dad!" he hissed a loud whisper at Dib. He raked both his hands through his hair as he looked around desperately, but what to do just wasn't on the counters. He clapped a hand over his mouth and made an ill groan. "Oh, I'm gunna be sick." He held an arm over his churning stomach.

Dib's own face went through so many different expressions all at once. Surprised to excited to just completely horrified. It was hard for him to actually figure out what to feel at all. Although Dwicky's reaction to the situation only caused him to feel nervous. He got up from his seat as quickly as he could to hurry over to the other. "You probably shouldn't do that right now." There was another knock on the door which caused Dib to flinch and look at it. "You really shouldn't do that right now." He looked back at Dwicky.

"Okay, okay. Um. I'll answer the door- and- and you. You. Um. Stay calm. Yea." Dwicky nodded as he breathed into his hands, straightening. "We can do this. We can get through this." He turned and headed to the door again. "Oh man, I'm gunna vomit all over your father's nice, white lab coat. And then we'll all die." He stood at the door. "Coming!" He dashed into the bathroom and yanked a comb through his hair before going back. Sucking in a deep breath only turned his insides more sour. Dwicky glanced to Dib. "Ready?" he whispered.

Dwicky's last little statement didn't really help Dib all that much, and he fidgeted much more than he needed to. Despite his sudden nervousness, he still nodded his head and was able to stutter out a few words. "Y-Yeah, I'm ready."

Dwicky pressed his fingers into his temple, trying to press the throbbing pain inside his skull. Taking in a breath and exhaling it out his nose, Dwicky forced a pleasant smile on his face before he flicked the lock open and pulled open the door. "Professor Membrane! What a surprise. Come in." He stepped aside and gestured inside his apartment. "I'm sure Dib will be really, really, really happy to see you." Oh, yeah, they were all going to die.

Membrane's hand had been inches from the door once more as it suddenly opened. He quickly dropped it and glanced at Dwicky for a second before he stepped inside acting as if the man weren't there. He barely even looked around before his eyes locked onto Dib who was standing across from the door. It only took him a moment to finally let out a frustrated sigh and look away. "I should have known your sister was right. You shouldn't be out of there at all." The words were harsh and biting.

At first Dib had seemed surprised and a bit happy to finally have some of his father's attention, but the words caused him to flinch. He looked down to the floor and moved one hand up to rub at his face as if that would make the bruises suddenly disappear. "It's not true. She's lying."

"N-now now, Professor." Dwicky interjected as kindly and politely as he could as he stepped between father and son, already needing to mediate. "Let's not be too hard on the young boy. He's been through a lot, and he's accomplished so much." He clasped his own hands together as if that symbolic action would be enough to bring the two together. "All to make up for what he's done, and to make you proud of him. He hasn't seen you in.. in- years. The least you could do is give him a hello and a kind word." Dwicky tried to smile wider in encouragement, but his heart felt like it was going to lurch out of his throat, escorting the contents of his stomach. ".. He can't stay in there forever.. he's just a kid. How can he grow to be a 'normal person' when in such a crazy environment?"

Membrane turned his narrowed eyes from Dib to Dwicky. "Accomplished?" The one word was almost spat back at Dwicky. "As far as I can tell, he hasn't accomplished anything. As far as I can tell, and from what I've been told, he's worse off than before." He turned his eyes back to Dib, though it wasn't really clear whether his next words were really spoken to Dib or Dwicky. "What sane person attacks their own sister?"

Dib turned wide eyes back up and quickly shook his head. "I really didn't do it!" His fists clenched a bit at his sides as he tried to explain things. "They came to see me. They did it. She was..." He quickly stopped and looked over at Dwicky before he quickly looked back down. "I didn't do it."

Dwicky pressed two fingers to his temple and tried to ground out the hard pulse that ached behind his eyes. "I'm- I'm thinking he was provoked, sir," he started out quietly but firmly, trying to keep a handle on the conversation. "Dib is normally so calm and good natured, at least since I've been working with him. It wouldn't make sense that he would suddenly hurt his own family." Dwicky stared at the counter a quick second before looking to Membrane. ".. He had his arms tied down. And he walked away from the incident in far worse condition than your daughter and her friend." He pressed his lips together, brows furrowing in concern. His hand dropped and he raised them both in an open gesture. "There are unresolved issues between your children, Professor. A rivalry that has gotten much too out of hand. I'm sure you've seen it yourself. With this kind of extreme case, there would be evidence of physical tiffs getting out of hand."

"I was told he's had a history of harming himself in the asylum." Membrane turned his eyes back on Dwicky. "Why shouldn't I believe that every bit of that..." he pointed towards Dib, "...he did to himself." He let his hand fall back down as his eyes narrowed. "You've only been working with him for two weeks at most. You don't really know what he's capable of doing. You don't know how quickly he could go back to needing to be locked up for good." He shook his head. "If there were any form of rivalry between the two, then Gaz wouldn't have even bothered to go visit him."

Dib closed his eyes at the words being said. It was pointless to keep trying to defend himself since his dad never listened, even now when it really mattered. He wished at that moment he could just cling to Dwicky, wanting some form of comfort, but knew it would be the worst idea ever. He also wished that he hadn't left Skeets on the kitchen counter. So he just lifted his hands and hugged his arms trying to comfort himself.

Dwicky's lower eye twitched. The other man tweaked him in so many ways: the tone, the accusations. The headache that clawed against the back of his eyes, temple and sinuses grew worse. It was so hard to be civil when the professor wanted to be the antagonist to Dib's protagonist. Dwicky exhaled his anger; he definitely was going to be sick all over Dib's dad, but it was going to be more out of spite.

"Look at him, Professor." Dwicky tried to keep his voice from straining, but he had little strength to start with, and he was becoming exasperated. "He's just a kid, with problems like everyone else. If you want him to recover quickly, you have to be a supportive pillar in his life. You have to be with him, not against him." He gave a weak smile and spoke quietly, carefully "..Instead of pointing fingers, why don't you just.. hug him, and tell him you're happy to see him after several years apart." Dwicky gestured to Dib. "It would make all the difference, sir."

Membrane gave an aggravated sigh. "His problems are far from being like anyone else's." He turned his eyes back to Dib and kept them on the boy for a while without speaking. He moved a hand up to tap at his arm as he finally spoke up, the annoyance slowly fading from his voice. "Listen, son, I am happy that I'm able to see you after so long, but I really wish that it had been under different circumstances. I thought that one day I would have been able to visit and you would have almost been well enough to get out."

Dib had opened his eyes back up as soon as his dad started speaking to him, listening intently. He couldn't help but smile a bit at the fact the other was happy to see him, but it slowly faded as he was reminded of why his dad was even visiting in the first place. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm really trying though, even with the things that have happened." He just barely glanced over at Dwicky before he dropped his eyes back down.

Dwicky gave an animate nod. "Good. That's good. Talk. Talking is very good. And I'm sure it's been a while since you two have done that. Let it all out." He pressed his hands together, much too happy about snatching the glimmer of opportunity. "Here!" He placed a hand on both Dib's and Membrane's shoulders and pushed the two, before they had any chance to object, into the living room. "Have a seat." He pushed them to sit side by side on the couch. "Have a one on one. Catch up. Have a moment. Bond. You two are overdue for all of the above." And like the splendid host Dwicky was, he beamed a smile, despite the splitting pain in his head. He clasped his hands together, looking a deranged sort of pleased; the two had no choice now but to listen. "... I'll make tea." Dwicky left for the kitchen.

Dib quickly turned around to try and stop Dwicky. By the time he opened his mouth, the man was already gone and he pouted a bit. He dropped the finger he had raised and let out a small sigh.

Membrane had seemed a bit startled by the sudden switch from standing to sitting. His eyes had watched Dwicky leave before they settled back on Dib and the boy's sudden upset expression. He only kept his eyes on the other for a few moments before he started to look around. He was feeling incredibly fidgety; he wasn't used to sitting in one spot for so long with nothing to do. "So..." the word took a while to get out, " you get along well with Mister Dwicky?"

The question startled Dib and he quickly turned around to look at his father. "H-Huh?" He had to force himself not to blush; it was quite hard. So instead, he looked away back towards the kitchen waiting for Dwicky to come back. "Uh...y-yeah. I do."

As if on cue, Dwicky's head poked out from within the kitchen. "No, no. Don't talk about me. Talk about each other. Interests. Talk about the future. Make plans." He looked at Dib. "Tell your father about what you want to do. And father" he looked to Membrane "give good feedback and encouragement." He was then the epitome of good cheer as he smiled hard. "Cream? Sugar?"

Both Membrane and Dib nodded their heads in response to Dwicky's question. Membrane was the first to turn his attention back to Dib and his eyes narrowed once again. "What is it that you want to do?"

Dib quickly turned his eyes back to his dad while he settled more comfortably on the couch. "Well, um..." He averted his eyes elsewhere. What he was about to say wasn't exactly what his dad wanted to hear. It made him nervous as to what the other's reaction would be. "After I get out of skool, and out of the asylum obviously, I thought about different things I could do. Other things I'm interested in. Mostly bugs, computers, things like that. Maybe I could focus on things that have to do with those."

Membrane tensed up when the one thing he wanted from Dib wasn't mentioned. He kept his eyes on Dib for a few more minutes before he rested his chin on one hand while looking away. "Well, none of it has to do with aliens. That's good, I suppose." A small sigh could be heard from Dib after those words.

Dwicky peered out again. "See! That's very good. Remember," he pointed "be encouraging, Professor. Encouraging." He wagged his finger. "Keep going Dib, tell your father everything: how well you're doing, how you're progressing." He gave an oh so subtle encouraging gesture as he continued on in a dwindling quiet tone "How much you're looking forward to going to skool again." Dwicky then disappeared back into the kitchen after that.

Dib had lifted his head just a bit to look back at Dwicky when the man peeked out. Having a bit of encouragement from the other was helping a bit, but he was still really nervous. His eyes moved back to his dad and he tried not to stutter as he went on. "I am doing better." He glanced away for a second and clicked his tongue before he tried again. "Mister Dwicky took me outside a couple of times and I was alright." He refused to mention what happened at the park. That would just make things worse. "I think if I was to go back to skool, I would actually enjoy it."

Membrane glanced sideways at Dib, taking in everything the boy said. His expression never really changed much throughout the conversation. "Well, it's good that you're willing to try. I'm still a little concerned about letting you go back. What with that foreign kid you always got into all those fights with." He shook his head. "That's what put you in the place for good to begin with."

Dwicky finally came out of the kitchen with a cup and saucer in each hand. "We talked about that too, didn't we, Dib?" He handed a cup to Membrane and Dib. "Perhaps it would be better to enroll Dib into another skool. Just avoid the problem altogether. A clean slate. A new start. New, normal friends. He could put all his attention into his studies, get into after skool activities. The sooner, the better, I think." Dwicky knitted his own hands together in front of himself. "Though he needs to be reintroduced to regular social activity, and behavior." He was smiling at Membrane again. "But that's as easily done as taking your son out for quality time, Professor."

Membrane took the cup while only giving a small nod to Dwicky. "Well, it would be a little hard to put him in a different skool. Only certain ones are around our area." He took a small sip from the cup and set it back down before speaking back up again. "Gaz is doing fine in her classes and she has a friend that she's very close to. We would have to move to put him in a different skool, and I don't think that would be quite fair to her."

Dib stared down into his cup as he listened to each word said. Staying in the skool nearby meant staying near Zim. It meant he would actually have to get used to that fact. Such a thing caused him to tense up as he tried to keep his emotions to himself.

Dwicky made a thoughtful sound, rubbing his temple hard in a circular motion with a finger. "Well, to be honest, sir, you should be thinking what's fair for Dib right now. Moving would be the best idea. You'd all be together again, as a family. And isn't that what counts? Dib deserves a second chance, Professor." His hand dropped, but both of them raised to bear their palms up. "If you gave him a moment of your time, you'd see what a great person he is. Talk to him. Get to know him. Spend time with him." Dwicky desperately gestured to Dib.

Dib's head shot up quickly and his eyes moved to Dwicky. The thought of moving scared him. Of course he wanted to get away from Zim, maybe go to a different skool, but not if it meant completely moving away. That meant he would have to leave Dwicky, and he still couldn't grasp that thought. Sadly, he couldn't voice that, all he could do was look back down at his cup and hope his dad disagreed.

"I don't know. I don't want to make things complicated for the whole family by suddenly moving somewhere just because he can't handle a little pressure." Membrane glanced at Dwicky for a second before looking back in front of him. "Staying in the asylum should help him get over all his worries. That's what all the doctors are there for. To help him." He gestured to Dwicky. "That's what you're there for too." His hand dropped back down. "He should be fine going back to any skool once he gets out."

Dwicky's brows rose, wrinkling his forehead. ".. You've never been to a mental hospital, have you?" It was hard not to be frank. "It isn't a healthy environment. Especially if you want to get away from that kind of mind set. It's being out in the sun, being around normal people that has really made the biggest of improvements in Dib. Sticking him in a padded room, confined inside a jacket and feeding him medication for the rest of his life- that isn't going to make him well. The doctors have hundreds of other patients to deal with. And there's only so much I can do." Dwicky gestured to Membrane, pleading for sympathy from the man. "You have to help too, Professor. Take him outside. Do something with him. Show him some affection. Because I'm seeing more neglect than insanity."

Membrane turned narrowed eyes on Dwicky at that last statement. "Neglect?" He set the cup he was holding aside so he could turn around to face Dwicky. "I have never neglected my son. I'm trying to help him. All of his ramblings about nonsense, I'm trying to snap him out of that. I may have gotten sick of it myself, but I still put him in that place because I was hoping to help him get better." He pointed a finger at Dwicky as his eyes narrowed more. "Wanting him to get better is not neglect."

Dib turned his eyes to his dad as a frown crossed his face. He lifted one hand up to lower the other's hand. "Dad, please stop." Just as quickly he pulled his own hand back, ignoring the small glance the other sent his way and instead looking back down at his cup.

"Not visiting him for three years and counting isn't?" Dwicky bit his tongue, his tone was getting sharp and accusing. He couldn't act like this and expect to get anywhere. It would only make Membrane mad, and there would be no progress just arguing, which would only tear Dib up. Dwicky shook his head; the move made him dizzy. The extra painkillers he'd taken in the kitchen plus the ones he took earlier were catching up with him, but the medicating calm did little for his already waning patience.

"Please, Professor Membrane.. he's your son. You have to be a father first, then a world renowned scientist. Take Dib with you today, take him out and spend some time with him, okay? As his counselor I'm prescribing this as necessary for his recovery: regulated visits. You are obligated, Professor." Dwicky's stern expression faded a little. "Please." His brows furrowed completely; he just wanted Membrane to understand.

Membrane sat back a bit and let out another harsh sigh. His eyes moved back to Dib and he stared at the boy for a bit before his eyes fell to the floor. "I guess I could take him out for a bit. It would give me a chance to see how well he really is, and to see how he does outside." He barely glanced back to Dib. "I suppose it really couldn't hurt."

Dib lifted his head back up. It was easy to tell he was at least a little excited at the idea of going back outside. Especially going outside with his dad. Just to have some attention from one of the people he wanted it from most caused a small smile to come to his face. "Really?" At the small nod he got from his dad the grin on his face grew.

Dwicky stared a moment, completely amazed that Membrane had actually agreed to the idea. "G-great!" Dwicky couldn't keep the wide smile off his face; he was completely elated beyond words. Years of skooling, the tears, the stress, it was all worth it for this very moment. He nodded. "I'll put a few things in a bag for you, his medication and such. He hasn't had breakfast yet, so, bond over eggs and stuff." Without waiting for either to reply, Dwicky headed to the kitchen to grab Dib's medication first.

Membrane watched Dwicky leave before he turned his eyes back to Dib, one of them narrowing a bit. "Try to be on your best behavior when we go out. Mister Dwicky did say you do fine when you're outside so I want to be able to see that, alright?" He turned his eyes away and looked around. "What do you do while you're over here anyway?"

Dib nodded quickly, much more eager than he had been earlier. "I will. You'll see that I'm really doing better." The sudden question caught him off guard and what colour was even in his face drained away. "D-Do?" He looked around at anything but the other person on the couch. "W-Well, um, sometimes I watch TV." He bit at his lip. "I-It's just somewhere for me to relax."

Out of the corner of his eye Dib saw Dwicky leaving the kitchen with his medication and Skeets in hand before disappearing into his bedroom.

Membrane looked back at Dib. "You're able to relax here? In a complete stranger's home?" He shook his head and turned his eyes to the blank screen of the TV. "I can't really say I understand that." His foot began to tap at the floor as he started to become impatient.

Dib looked down at his lap. "He's not really a stranger, Dad." He moved one of his hands up to fidget with the end of his shirt. "He's been helping me get better. I feel much better here and outside than I do in my room at the asylum."

Membrane nodded his head just a bit at those words. A small sound came from him signaling he had at least heard Dib before he actually spoke. "If you say so, son." That earned a small sigh from Dib.

"Hey Dib! Could you help me in here a moment?" Dwicky's voice called from inside his bedroom.

The sudden shout startled Dib for a moment. Once he remembered how to move, he got up off the couch, glancing sideways at his father. "I-I'll be right back." He only got a small nod from his dad, but that was enough for him. He turned and headed towards Dwicky's bedroom, stopping inside near the doorway once he finally got there. "What do you need?"

The boy was suddenly yanked over from the door way, grinning lips murmuring a 'Shhh' before they were pressed affectionately to Dib's. Still Dwicky couldn't keep from grinning wider, breaking the kiss as silently as he could. "Congratulations." he leaned closer to whisper the words against Dib's ear.

The kiss surprised Dib, but that one word caused the smile to return to his lips. He couldn't help the giddy feeling that was taking him over. He had wanted to do this earlier and couldn't: he let his arms circle around Dwicky so he could cling to the man tightly. "Thank you." The whispered words were really meant for so much more than just that moment.

Dwicky hugged the boy tightly to himself, muffling a small sound against the crook of Dib's neck. He just held Dib, swaying a little. It was going to be okay. It really was. When he did pull back a little, his smile never faltered as he looked down at Dib. "So, you wanted to pack the blue sweatshirt?" he spoke up in a more normal tone so Dib's father wouldn't be wondering. "Though I think it's going to be a pretty sunny day." His smile softened with those words.

Dib's own smile never left his face and it was pretty hard for him to stand still even as he answered Dwicky. "I guess I could go without it. I would probably just regret taking it if it gets too hot." Even with the veil of words, he still cuddled his head against Dwicky's chest for the moment, wanting to continue sharing his good mood with the other as best he could.

"I'll put it in the bag anyway. You never know. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it." Dwicky rested his cheek atop the boy's head, closing his eyes for but a few seconds. He buried his face in Dib's dark hair to whisper "You'll do great." He pressed a few silent kisses before standing straight. "Anything else you want to bring?" he spoke in a normal tone again with a grin, rubbing both hands up and down Dib's back.

The whispered words caused Dib to hug Dwicky just a bit more. When Dwicky pulled back, he looked up at the man with a small smile before he spoke up. "Just Skeets. That's the most important thing I want to bring. You didn't pack him up yet, did you?" The hands on his back had him letting out a sigh. If all of the nervous feelings from earlier hadn't already left, then they were at that moment.

"No. He's on the bed." Dwicky actually pointed to the bed where the stuffed toy sat by a duffel bag. "Hmmm. I think that's it. Maybe a change of clothes." He lowered his head to lean it against Dib's still smiling. He then bridged that small gap and kissed Dib one final time, brushing a few fingers through the boy's hair affectionately.

Dib returned the kiss, letting one of his hands move up higher on Dwicky's shirt to grip at the fabric. When it was finally broken, he stayed near just so he could whisper his words again. The same three simple words he had spoken over and over again so many times at the asylum. "I'll miss you." He gave a tiny smile.

"I'll miss you too, kiddo." Dwicky whispered as quietly as he could, and he gave a small chuckle after. He then drew away from Dib so he could actually pack what he'd been saying he had already done.

Dib's smile grew a bit at the nickname. He walked towards the bed and grabbed Skeets, hugging the plush to his chest as soon as he had it. With that, he finally walked out of the bedroom and back out towards the living room to keep his dad company once more, plopping down on the couch when he got there. "Sorry about that. Packing and all that."

Membrane, who had gone to fidgeting with the TV remote, quickly turned his eyes to Dib and set the remote aside. "That's alright." His eyes moved down to the plush Dib held so tightly, and for a few moments he stayed silent before he finally pointed to it. "Have you always had that?"

Dib clutched Skeets tighter while he tried to think of a way to answer the question. "No, I got it the first time I went out." He eased up when the other seemed satisfied with that answer and loosened his grip on Skeets. The silence after gave him a chance to look at the sudden mess his dad had made of the remote.

Dwicky soon emerged, moving to hand the duffel back to Dib. "There you go. All set." His wide smile soon faltered as he blinked down at his disassembled TV controller. “What’d you do to my remote?" He blinked several times more

Membrane looked from Dwicky then back to the remote. "Oh, that? Just messed around with a few of the chips inside. Nothing really major. It's easy to put back together, don't worry." He stood up from the couch and straightened his coat out.

Dib gave a small sigh and shook his head. Despite how long he had been away from his family, even after so many years, his dad was still the same. The man still felt the need to tinker with everything he could get his hands on. He stood up from the couch as well while he slung the duffel bag over a shoulder. He moved his eyes towards Dwicky and gave the man an apologetic glance while mouthing a 'sorry' while his dad's head was turned.

Dwicky held up the two pieces of casing from what was once his controller, guts hanging out of one end. He stared at the rather complicated mess of wires, chips and pieces still laying on his couch. "Easy to.. put back?" he quietly squeaked to himself. He gave up and just dropped it back on the couch while giving Dib an 'it's alright' sort of smile.

"I'll let you out." Dwicky dusted his hands off and walked the two the short distance to the door, opening and holding it open for them. "It was really nice to talk to you again, Professor Membrane. I'm really glad you stopped by." He gave the Professor a cheerful smile.

Membrane only nodded his head at the words while walking out into the hallway. Once Dib was outside with him he turned back to the door and gave a small sigh. "I suppose I should thank you for taking care of my son. If everything is going as well as you put it than I guess I owe a bit of gratitude towards you." He turned his attention back on Dib. "Come on, let's go." He began walking away from the door towards the elevator.

"Coming!" Dib said the words in a hurried voice just so his dad wouldn't leave him. Before he followed after, he turned his eyes back to Dwicky and waved at the man for a few quick seconds. His eyes darted towards his dad and saw the professor's attention was elsewhere. He gave a small grin and blew a quick kiss to Dwicky before he darted off towards the elevator.

Dwicky caught the kiss and smiled all the more. He was so happy to see Dib getting what he finally wanted. He waved after Dib. "Bye! Have fun!" He watched the two go into the elevator as it arrived. Only when the door closed after them did Dwicky spin around. Throwing his arms into the air victoriously, he gave a joyous squeal. He swayed his hips from side to side and strutted back into the apartment. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! The king of counseling!" He promptly shut the door after himself.
Sometimes drinking isn't a good thing, Dwicky o:
If the chapter gets cut off you can easily download it to desktop to read the rest, or please note me about which chapter it was. I don't wish for the comments to be spammed any longer.

Dwicky = *neofox
Dib/Membrane = *Insanity-Icons

Beta = *moon-glaive

~ Image in preview belongs to *neofox and I do have permission to use it.

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Unknown-D-Flamerose's avatar
LOL! Can see where the tinkering comes from on Dib. xD