
Monsters and Ladybugs - Ch 14

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Monsters and Ladybugs
By Kitteh and NeoFox
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: Smeets will eat our souls if we dare claim Invader Zim. So yeah, Jhonen can keep his smeets of DOOM! We just want to borrow Dib and Dwicky for a fic, so calm yourselves.
Summary: DADR. Three years later Dwicky comes back to fix what he messed up. But the little boy he left behind is no longer the same energetic soul from before and now may just be too broken to reach.
Beta: Lint

Chapter 14

The door to apartment 312 opened slowly, allowing the two in the hallway to enter. Dib easily pushed the door open the rest of the way with his free hand, since his other was occupied with a bag. Not wasting any time at all, he headed straight for the couch, sitting down right in the middle of it and placed the bag in front of him. He slipped off his sneakers with just a toe each, letting them lay beside the bag on either side. Once that was done, he gave a small noise, and it seemed as if he would just sit there for a bit, but that wasn't the case at all. Just as quickly as he had sat down, he moved over to the arm of the couch just so he could watch Dwicky, his hands keeping Skeets between himself and the arm. "So, what's the surprise?"

Dwicky settled the other bags beside the wall on the floor as he blinked at the excited boy. He gave a wry grin. "You want it now? Now now? You don't want to sit down for a while and let the food settle in you?" He dusted his hands off before giving his arms a stretch above his head with an audible, pleased groan.

Dib shook his head quickly. He fidgeted a bit as he watched Dwicky, but tried his best not to seem too anxious. "No, I'm fine. Please? I really want to know what the surprise is." He tried to settle down as best he could. It didn't do much good, though. His feet were still twisting around behind him on the couch. His toes curled in his socks every few seconds.

Dwicky looked skyward. "Well... I don't know." He spoke in mock ill consideration. "It might be too much excitement for just one day." He crossed his arms and raised one hand to run a few fingers over his goatee; though it was plain to see that the man was teasing. "And we just can't have your head exploding. I mean, the hospital would just get upset if I had to bring you back in a bucket." He shrugged his hand out.

Dib gave a small grin at Dwicky's words. Instead of answering, though, he shifted around just so he could get off the couch. Skeets was left behind on the arm as he made his way over to the man. He stopped only when he was a few feet in front of the other, and moved his arms up to pull him down. He moved his tongue out to lick at the rim of Dwicky's ear. The action only took a few seconds before he pulled away just so he could speak against the wet skin. "Please..."

Dwicky's mouth opened and closed, his eyes shifting shut with a pleased noise. His arms slipped around the boy's hips as his hands sneaked under the short bottom of the boy's shirt. "Well, when you put it that way..." He tugged the boy against him as he leaned against the wall. He petered lingering kisses against the side of Dib's neck. "How can I resist?"

Dib gave a small moan at the kisses, happy that he no longer had to quiet himself. "You can't." He gave Dwicky's ear another small lick before he pulled back completely. Just as he pulled back, though, he latched his lips onto the other's for a deep kiss. His tongue darted out to push past the man's lips and teeth. A small muffled moan came from him that he didn't even try to stop.

Dwicky returned the kiss quite happily, thoroughly meeting Dib's tongue with his own. He drew his hands up the boy's back, dragging his shirt up at the same time before he ran them back down. He broke the kiss, but nabbed a few more before he spoke with a wide, smitten grin. "Alright. But you have to slip into something more comfortable." Dwicky squiggled his brows. "One of your new sweatshirts and probably a pair of pants; dress warm, it's been raining. Then I'll grab what we need to go look at your surprise." He pressed an endearing kiss on the boy's lips, after he brushed the stray dark hair from Dib's brow. "Mkay?"

Dib gave a small noise after the kiss. He nodded his head a bit and pulled back his arms. He couldn't help the small smile that pulled at his lips before he spoke. "Alright." With that, he turned around just so he could walk back to the couch and pick up the bag he had been carrying. As soon as he had it in his hands, he hurried down the hall towards the bathroom just so he could change into one of his other new outfits.

Dwicky hummed to himself, rubbing his hands together and with a happy step he went into his room to get what he needed: a tarp and a rolled up blanket. "When you're dressed and out, you can grab us two colas if you want!" he shouted from bedroom as he dug around in his closet.

"Okay!" Dib's voice had been slightly muffled from behind the bathroom door, even as he shouted. It took awhile before the door finally opened. Once he was out, Dib went straight to the kitchen as he was told, so he could rummage through the fridge. His hands toyed with the plastic rings that held each can of cola, trying to free two of them.

"AHA!" Dwicky could be heard in the hall. "I knew the tarp was in the hall closet." There were sounds of rummaging before Dwicky peered into the kitchen near the front door. "As soon as you got the cola, get your shoes on and we'll go."

Dib finally freed two cans and kicked the fridge door closed with his foot. He turned around to head back into the living room to do as he was told, stopping just so he could slip his sneakers back on. Once he was sure they were on well enough, he picked Skeets back up with his free hand and then headed back over to Dwicky. A curious expression came over his face and he couldn't help but speak up. "What kind of surprise is this?"

Dwicky opened the door and let Dib walk out before he followed, locking the door after them. "This way, if you will." He led Dib down the hall, the muffled sounds of televisions and music could be heard. "Remember when we talked a few days ago, about things you would like to do once you were out?" They walked down the hall until they came to a door marked for the stairs. Dwicky pushed it open for Dib with a smile, following after when the boy went through. "Well, this is one of them that we talked about." He led them up the last flight of stairs to another heavier door. "And I think it should be just the right time at night- to see the sky." Pushing the bar to the door, Dwicky opened it with a grunt to reveal the roof of the apartment.

Dib looked up at Dwicky with wide eyes before he actually looked out the opened door. It took him a while to finally step out onto the concrete. Once he did, his eyes immediately went up after just a few steps. They scanned every star and his head twisted each way his eyes couldn't see. He stayed like that for a bit until finally he looked back at Dwicky. His eyes still a little wide. "You remembered." He couldn't stop the wide smile that spread on his face after the words left him.

Dwicky let the door close after him as he walked out on the roof to join Dib. "Of course." He grinned at Dib's reaction. He walked over to the boy, planting a quick kiss on his cheeks, shifting the bundles under one arm so he could take Dib's hand. "Here." He led Dib around the door and they came in to the incline of the roof that covered it. "The rain rolls off this part, so it's not too wet. And it's higher up." Dwicky handed Dib the blanket as he unrolled the tarp and spread it out on the roof, taking meticulous care. Next, he took the blanket and spread it out over the tarp, making sure it was perfectly smooth. "There. After you." He gestured to the blanket.

Dib took no time in walking over and sitting down on the blanket. He set Skeets in his lap while placing his soda in front of him. After he was settled, he looked back at Dwicky. The hand that still held the other can moved out to hand over the other soda to the man.

"Thank you." Dwicky took the can and sat himself down next to Dib. He looked up as he opened his drink. "Looks like the sky rained itself out. It's going to be a nice clear night." He gave the smallest of chuckles. "I was worried it was going to be cloudy."

Dib set his hands on his soda can just so he could toy with the lid for a few seconds. His eyes moved back up to the sky and stayed there after Dwicky's words. "It's strange to be up here and look without any kind of equipment." His fingers finally opened the soda and he kept them still. "It's still just as nice, though. Three years may not seem like a lot, but when you're away from so many things you enjoy, it can come to be a long time."

Dwicky's eyes cast down to look at the top of his can. "Three years is a very long time... especially when you're away from things you care about." He took a swig of cola. "I find time is relevant to how you're spending it. When you're doing something you like, it goes by very quickly. When you're doing something you don't like, it can be painfully slow. I find waiting is the worst of them all… you can feel every ticking second when you're waiting for something." He tapped the side of his can before taking a sip and looking back up.

Dib gave a small sound. He raised his own can and took a large swallow before setting it back down. For a bit, he kept his eyes up while staying silent. It was only a bit longer that he spoke up again. "Have you ever thought about if any of it was actually real? Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if you had actually gone to space that night and those weren't just a bunch of your friends?" He turned his eyes on Dwicky. "Are you ever curious about any of it at all? You did believe in it once, right? Do you ever still think about it?"

Dwicky slowly brought his head and gaze down to look at Dib. He just stared at Dib, blinking wet eyes that could have been a trick of the light in the dark. He looked back at his cola and rubbed his nose, giving a thoughtful sniff after. "No." he answered quietly. "I've got... enough to think about here." He smiled a little, glancing at Dib before he took another drink.

Dib continued to keep his eyes on Dwicky for a few more moments. After a bit, though, he turned around on the blanket just so he could lean back on Dwicky's arm. His head moved back on the man's shoulder so he could continue staring up at the sky. "I guess that makes sense. It probably makes sense not to think about something you don't believe in anymore either. I'm still getting used to that." His eyes closed halfway. "It doesn't hurt as much anymore to say it's not real, though."

Dwicky looked up at the stars, those burning white specks scattered across a dark velvety sky. "It… takes time. But you're doing very well though." He sneaked his hand out on the blanket, sightlessly seeking Dib's hand. His fingers curled over Dib's, easily covering the smaller fingers underneath. "You've done a lot. You deserve to be out." Dwicky softly laughed. "You're a lot saner than most people you see on the street."

"I guess so." Dib turned his hand over under Dwicky's just so he could link their fingers. "At the same time, though, it's hard to believe. I still have to take medication because I hear things. I'm not really all that normal. I'm not really all that insane either. I want to believe I'm normal, but I can't. As much as it feels good to hear it, I know it can't be true." He gave a small sigh while letting his eyes open back up all the way. "I don't know if I deserve any of this." He squeezed Dwicky's hand just a bit.

Dwicky shut his eyes a moment and squeezed Dib's hand back. "You do. Besides," he took their linked hands onto his lap, resting Dib's on his own, he softly stroked the back of the boy's hand with his free hand as he spoke, "being normal is overrated. Really." He looked down at their hands. Dib's skin was so pale under the night's light. With all the time spent indoors, the boy probably sunburned very easy. "If you, me, if we were text book normal people... we wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be doing this--" Dwicky raised their linked hands and kissed near Dib's knuckles in gesture. He rested their hands on his cheek as he looked at the boy. "And I wouldn't be saying: I love you, Dib." He kissed the boy's forearm, smiling. "In such a cheesy, meaningful fashions, if I was 'normal'."

Dib had looked back at Dwicky at some point, while the man spoke. The last few words had the small smile that had formed on his face growing just a bit more. "Then I guess I'm glad we don't fit such perfect examples of what normal is." He moved his fingers a bit against Dwicky's cheek. "If I would have to give this up just to be completely normal, then I guess I would just have to deal with staying at an asylum my whole life." He gave a small, playful grin.

Dwicky raised his free hand to rub the boy's forearm over the sweatshirt. "I wouldn't do that just yet. The world is always changing, gaining new ideas and points of view. The world frowned on a lot more way back when than they do now." He brought Dib's fingers to his lips, nuzzling them. "Then again, young girls were married off at the age of thirteen way back when." He smiled some. "The world was never sane to begin with. It just... tends to think it’s more idealistic."

"Hmm..." Dib turned his head back around so he could look back up. "If I get out, I want to be able to keep seeing you. I want to be able to visit you. I want to be able to go out with you. I want to be able to spend the night over here." He let his eyes fall down to his drink. "I want to be able to do everything we've been doing. It shouldn't have to stop just because I'm better." He brought the can to his lips and took another swallow before going on. "Even if it would all be incredibly hard to make happen. I don't care."

Dwicky's gaze fell on the wet cement of the apartment roofs; they stretched on into the dark, dropping off at nothing. There were no fences, no lock on the roof door, and now he wondered why in this sick, sad world he'd never seen a jumper since he'd been here. Though in the tween of time he was away, he could vaguely recall hearing about one, but it could have been any apartment or building in the city.

"I'll try my damnedest." he murmured against Dib's fingers.

Dib glanced back at Dwicky once again. For a few moments he stayed silent. Finally, he moved around, setting the can he held aside as he did. He took Skeets just so he could turn to his side. With the same hand, he lifted Dwicky's arm up so he could cuddle better against the man. Once he was settled, he let Dwicky's arm drop back down around him. The entire time he let Dwicky keep hold of his other hand. His head pressed against the other and his eyes slipped closed. "That's good enough for me."

Dwicky shifted so Dib was comfortably against him, keeping his arm over the boy. He turned his head so he could smile against Dib's temple, laying a few hidden kisses there. "I love you, ya know." He blinked away the dark hair that hung in his eyes. "I've only really been with you for seven days, counting when I left left... but.." He trailed off. On their linked hands, slowly ran his thumb against the side of Dib's. "I dunno."

Dib gave a small content noise before speaking. "I know. I love you too." He opened his eyes just a bit so he could look out ahead. "I'm sorry for everything I said to you when you came back. For how I acted." He lowered his eyes to the blanket. "For calling you a liar. It was shocking to see you again. Of course, I was scared too, but I just didn't understand."

Dwicky exhaled heavily against Dib's hair, inhaling, he tugged Dib closer, taking him in with his breath. "You don't need to apologize." He shut his eyes for the moment. "For anything."

Dib just barely nodded his head. He gladly leaned closer against Dwicky while closing his eyes once more. He stayed silent after that, content enough to stay pressed against the other. His other hand pulled the plush he held closer to his chest after just a bit, proving he was still alert.

"Here. Let's lay down. You've had a long busy day, hm." Dwicky let go of the boy's hand to lay them down, tugging Dib with him and keeping him close as they lay on the blanket. "You can still look up at the stars. It's probably easier like this." He ran fingers through the fray of dark hair at the back of Dib's head, smoothing against the prickly shaved hair below. "Just... relax."

Dib only gave a small sound of protest before giving in and lying down as well. He just barely opened his eyes to look back up. The touches on the back of his head caused him to want to keep them closed. "I enjoyed everything about today. Well, except for one tiny little part, but that doesn't really matter anymore." He gave a small, tired sound before going on. "It was easy to be around people. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I got used to it after awhile." He smiled just a bit. "And I really like my surprise."

Dwicky's fingers trailed down to the base of Dib's head, stroking up and down the back of the boy's neck. "We can do this every time you come to visit. Every night." He rested his cheek atop the boy's head; his hair was soft, and it smelled like Dib. "And when you get out of there too. Just you, me, the stars… and Skeets." Dwicky gave a lazy chuckle. "He gets V.I.P."

Dib cuddled closer to Dwicky before letting his eyes close once again. "I'd like that." His arm that held Skeets moved a bit so that his hand could grip at Dwicky's shirt. "I'd like to just be with you. Just like this. I don't like hiding. I like being able to say ‘I love you’ and I like being able to kiss you." He opened his eyes back up just so he could look at Dwicky. "This is nice."

The man smiled lazily down at Dib, leaning his head down to rest it against the other's, touching his lips wherever they landed on the boy's face. "I agree." Dwicky smiled more. "This is very nice."

Dib couldn't help but smile at the kiss to his face. He let his eyes move back up and gave a thoughtful sound before he spoke again. "At least the next time we spend time together we won't have to shop for clothes. Which means we won't have to run from scary clerks." He blinked his eyes. "Unless the next place we go there is a person just as scary that is very eager to sell us gum or something just as stupid." He couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

Dwicky rolled his eyes some and laughed as well. "That'll be something." He snorted. "And if one more person calls me your father-- I swear, I'll just adopt you and call it square." He smirked at the musing. "That would just add another anomaly to our list of deviations." He shook his head, half nuzzling against Dib's. "So, then, is there anything you want to do on your next outing?"

It took Dib a bit to stop laughing from Dwicky's comment. When he quieted though, he stayed silent for a while as he thought about the question. "Well..." A small grin came to his lips and he tried his best to sound innocent as he went on. "We could go to a movie. We don't have to watch it, though." He failed horribly at sounding innocent.

Dwicky couldn't keep the giddy laugh in. His hands sneaked under the boy's sweatshirt, running against the warm skin there, though exposing it to the cool air at the same time. "You need to work on your subtly." He grinned.

Dib let out a quiet noise. A small shiver ran through him because of the sudden cold air, but it didn't make the grin go away. "Either way, it gets me what I want, right? Why should I worry about it?" He let go of Dwicky's shirt just so he could pull the man closer by his collar, so he was able to press a kiss to his lips. He didn't let it last long before he was sucking at his bottom lip.

Any answer Dwicky was about to make was very quickly changed into a pleased moan. He pressed another kiss to Dib's lips, sparing the boy no moment of protest as he deepened the kiss, running his hands higher up Dib's back, almost fully exposing it to the cold night air. But just as quickly, he ran his hands back down the prickling skin.

The moan Dib had tried to let out was quieted by the kiss. He pressed his tongue against Dwicky's own and pushed past. Skeets was forgotten for the moment, just so he could move his arm closer around Dwicky's neck. His hand ran through the man's hair much like he always did. He leaned into the touches to his skin, giving a muffled noise here and there.

Dwicky's fingers dipped below the boy's waistline, brushing over slight curves and boney hips. It was restraint that brought his hands back up to rest on Dib's hips, though haste tugged them closer to himself. Dwicky groaned when he broke the kiss, pressing it again near the corner of the boy's lips. "We have to be care with what you get." he spoke breathless against wet lips. "We can't take you back to the hospital all scratched up, or bruised... who knows what they'll think." His brows furrowed so the seriousness would hopefully be relayed.

Dib let out an annoyed sound at the lost contact. Dwicky's words did nothing to help that annoyance leave completely. "We have to be careful there. We have to be careful here. I want to stop being careful." He pressed his lips back against the other's for a quick and needy kiss. His free hand moved behind his back just so he could slip it under Dwicky's shirt. His nails just barely moved along skin before his hand finally settled. He pulled his lips back just so he could speak once again while his eyes met the other's. "Just for a bit."

Dwicky's cheeks warmed over, his skin prickling where it was touched. "I have to be careful with you but-...," he swallowed, "you don't have to be careful with me." He managed a wry grin against Dib's lips, pressing them back against the other's.

Dib responded to the kiss easily. His hand started to move once again along Dwicky's back, just so it could move up under the shirt. After only a few seconds, he pulled Dwicky away from the kiss by his hair. He didn't give the man much time to respond to the small tug though, because he quickly latched his mouth onto Dwicky's neck. His teeth just barely bit down on skin as his tongue licked.

Dwicky blinked, dazed at being yanked away, not wholly expecting it, but just as quickly, he let out a husky moan at Dib's actions. He leaned his head away, exposing more neck. He buried his face against the boy's shoulder for the moment, tugging the boy just that much closer by the belt loops of his pants; though he squished Skeets between them in the process.

Dib gave a small noise against Dwicky's neck at being pulled closer. He scratched at the man's skin just a bit before just barely gripping with fingers. He shifted around a bit, just so he could try his best to toe a sneaker off. The harsh action caused it to land near the edge of the roof. Of course, in that moment Dib couldn't have cared less if the shoe had fallen off and knocked someone unconscious down below. As soon as it was off, he moved his foot up a bit so he could run it along Dwicky's leg, the whole time his mouth still kissed at the man's neck.

It was so very hard to keep things clothed, and Dwicky groaned to himself that fate really was a mean bastard for this; and had a cruel sense of humor, especially for the bent out of shape morality he was given. He ran a hand down from Dib's hip, along the bent leg that followed. He gripped the fabric of the jeans before running his hand back up to Dib's rear, tugging and pressing closer at the same time.

Dib couldn't stop the moan that came from him, even if he tried. He let his hand drop away from Dwicky's hair just so it could land around the back of the man's neck. His mouth continued to move up, causing him to shift against Dwicky's body until he took the man's ear in his mouth and started to suck on it. While he was occupied with that, his foot moved just a bit so it could wrap around Dwicky's leg, trying to keep the other where he was.

"Wow." Dwicky mused breathlessly with a completely dazed mind. "You are a fast learner." His eyes shifted closed and his hands went back to slinking under the boy's sweatshirt, grazing nails enough to be felt, but not enough to leave any mark. He dipped his head to kiss what he could of the boy's exposed shoulder through his shirt's collar, muffling a throaty moan every now and again.

A small shudder went through Dib's body because of Dwicky's nails. "Told you so." The words had been whispered against the wet rim of Dwicky's ear right before Dib attacked it once again. His actions caused his small noises to be muffled, but he didn't plan to stop. The hand on Dwicky's back used nails to run back down skin ‘til they stopped at the other's pants, dipping down just barely.

Dwicky's back arched at the nails as he took in air with a slight gasp. "Wow. Nails." He murmured as he melted back down against Dib. His hand motions grew lazy and slowed as Dib continued to suck on his ear. The reverberation of muffled whines Dib made against it causing him to shiver as elation prickled down his spine. He couldn't stand just laying there while a perfectly delicious teenager sucked on his ear. Dwicky tugged his ear free, pressing Dib onto his back as he followed, pushing himself up on his other arm. "Mkay- kissing you now." He ordered with a grin as he firmly pressed his lips to Dib's.

The small laugh Dib gave in response was muffled by Dwicky's lips. He pressed back into the kiss, while at the same time trying to press closer against the body on top of him. His glasses pressed up his face a bit because of the kiss, but he didn't really seem to mind much.
It was only after a few seconds that Dib felt something hit the side of his face. He ignored it though, considering the situation. It wasn't until drop after drop started to fall down did he finally pull away from the kiss. His eyes moved up away from Dwicky just to catch small drops hitting his glasses. The sky no longer full of stars. He kept his eyes up if only for a few seconds before he looked back at Dwicky and pulled the man down for another kiss.

Dwicky gave a grinning laugh against Dib's lips. Dib's glasses were cool and wet against his face and for a playful pause, he pulled away to pluck them off the boy's face, clicking it closed to set aside before slamming his lips against Dib's lips. The droplets plipped coldly on flushed skin, causing Dwicky to shiver and slink closer overtop of the warm body below. All around came the audible patter of rain, splashing puddles already left on the roof top. It fell harder, soaking into the blanket, clothes, and dark hair alike.

Dib blinked his eyes at suddenly no longer having his glasses. The kiss caused him to let the worry slip his mind and respond eagerly instead. Both of his hands moved to run through Dwicky's hair, which was getting wetter by the second. His hands, which had been at least a bit dry, became soaked with the action, but he refused to pull them away. The sweatshirt he wore became wetter and wetter, which only caused him to cling more and more to the body above him.

Dwicky's white office shirt became drenched, sticking to his back more clingily than the boy below him. He tried to stay above Dib to keep the rain off him, but that idea fell through when all he could feel against his fingertips was hot, wet skin. He moaned, almost drowned out from the fall of rain, drawing back just enough to lick away a drop of water that rolled down the boy's cheek. "..We're going to catch a cold." Dwicky muttered with slight concern against wet skin, not following any of his advice as he dipped his head, kissing at the still dry skin at the crook of Dib's neck. He tugged up the bottom of the boy's sweatshirt, baring the boy's middle slightly to the rain, he wanted to tug the useless, wet piece of clothing off; he must have been insane.

The sudden feel of cool air and rain on his flushed skin had Dib letting out a low moan. He leaned his head down just so he could lick small drops off Dwicky's shoulder. The wet shirt moved aside easily for him in the process. "I don't care." The words were barely said and, considering the rain, may not have been heard.

Dwicky paused a moment, catching his breath, blinking away droplets of water from his eyes to look down at Dib. He gave a slightly crooked grin, brushing back the dark hair that plastered itself to his own forehead. "A little water..," he grinned more, shifting to sit back on his knees ",can't hurt, right?" He glanced down at his white shirt turned transparent, clinging to his skin. Not even bothering with buttons, Dwicky crossed arms grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulled the shirt up, peeling it off wet skin, pulling it off and tossed it onto the wet blanket. "Maybe it can." He laughed. "Cold!"

Dib had let his arms fall back down when Dwicky moved up. A small blush formed on his face as the man removed his shirt, but he easily got over it. Instead of pulling Dwicky back down, Dib sat up so he was a little level with the other. He pressed their lips together again and ran his hands along the man's sides. It didn't take him long to pull back, though. His hands fell down to his own shirt, just so he could lift it up and toss the wet piece of clothing aside as well. He gave a small grin after and leaned in once more. His lips were just barely pressed against Dwicky's as he spoke. "It's not bad."

Dwicky had to grin against the boy's lips, brushing fingers against Dib's wet cheeks, down shoulders and chest, across boney ribs to the boy's back, and tugged him closer. It felt so good to see, to touch the real skin that had been under that jacket, to slide hands across the slick pale flesh. It felt wonderful barraging skin against skin as he had Dib so close. "It isn't." He agreed full heartedly as he kissed Dib's lips, flicking his tongue out to catch a few wet drops that trickled there. He then dipped his head to run his tongue against the boy's pale shoulder, kissing the prickling skin as he ran his hands up the boy's wet spine.

Dib let out a small, humming sound at the touches and the licks. He leaned his head to the side a bit just to let Dwicky have at more. His own hands trailed down until they stopped at the other's waist. Not once did he use his nails. Instead, he let his fingers slide over the wetness that was on Dwicky's skin. After just a few minutes, he pulled back away from the other's lips just so he could have his turn. He moved his tongue out so he could trail it past Dwicky's lips and past his goatee, down his chin, and only stopping just so he could suck at his throat. His lips latched on near his Adam’s apple.

Dwicky shut his eyes, indulging the sensations as he ran his fingers through the boy's wet hair. He smoothed the dark hair back, burying his fingers there, running them along Dib's scalp. He lightly nibbled the usually bouncy lock of hair on the boy's head, now slicked down from the rain. There he pressed a few kisses, murmuring sweet little things that were most likely muffled by the boy's hair and drowned out by the rain.

Dib licked at the wet skin under his mouth for a few more seconds and finally turned his head afterwards just so he could bury it under Dwicky's chin. The hold he still had around the other tightened just a bit. Although it was raining much too hard for any sane person to be out, he was easily content to stay like that. He didn't really feel that cold anyway.

Dwicky held the boy tightly, keeping as they were, rubbing the boy's back to keep him warm, warm against him. He swallowed, watching past the rain, though not at anything in particular. He turned his head to rest a cheek atop Dib's head.

Dib's eyes stayed open for a long while. The touch to his back relaxed him and caused his body to go somewhat limp. After a bit, his eyes became focused on his shoe that was still near the edge. He gave it his full attention as if just realizing it was off his foot, but gave in and closed his eyes with a small sound, the whole day and sudden situation making him drowsy.

Dwicky slightly rocked the boy against him, running fingers through his soaked hair. He whispered small things near his ear; it's alright, you can go to sleep, and I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of you. He sighed contently atop the boy's head, his hand falling back down to rub his wet back. "I love you... You'll be okay." He murmured on.

The words soothed Dib. His worries of actually falling asleep left him for the moment and instead, he slowly started to give in. It didn't take long after that for his grip to loosen up and go slack. His breath was slow and even, difficult to hear because of the rain.
I'm hungry.
If the chapter gets cut off you can easily download it to desktop to read the rest, or please note me about which chapter it was. I don't wish for the comments to be spammed any longer.
Dwicky = *neofox
Dib = *Insanity-Icons

Beta = *lint

~ Image in preview belongs to *neofox a larger version can be found here ---> [link] and I do have permission to use it.

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TheStupidCupid's avatar
I thought the surprise at first was going to be sex but then i thought logically and I was like, NO THEY ARE GOING UP ON THE ROOF TO GAZE AT STARS

and I totally was right.

dwinky... you are making me a pervert.